Tuesday 8 May 2012

Broadcast to the World as Google Plus rolls out Hangouts On Air Worldwide

Chee Chew made a post at Google Plus yesterday (Monday 7 May 2012) at 2.19 pm UK time. It said, We've launched Hangouts On Air worldwide! .. go nuts. :) Viv Gundotra followed that four minutes later with Broadcast your Hangout to the World!

For me, the best quote from a Googler came from Katherine Gramann who postedenjoy!! ...and don't forget you're broadcasting publicly, so mind your manners;)

Eight minutes earlier at 2.11 pm, Chee posted to the Official Google Blog which in my mind is one of the most important posts in Google history as it details how anyone, for free, can broadcast not just one, but ten videos LIVE at Google+ and LIVE to YouTube. This post gave eight videos and tons of links.

Not everyone was happy as the world is a big place and it takes time to organise each country.

Google produced a Country Guide to Hangouts On Air Availability and links to Learn More.

I was delighted to see so many people I know featured in a Google+: Broadcast Your Hangout To The World video. Google Plus was opened on the 28 June 2011 as invite only with it going public on 20 September 2011. Many of these people I've know for over nine months: +Hermine Ngnomire +pio dal cin +Daria Musk +Larry Fournillier +M Monica+Maria Quiban and +DeAno Jackson.

Over the next few hours, many people who were fortunate enough to have early access started broadcasting for the very first time. 

What's special is the ability for these LIVE streams to be watched in many places like at Google+, YouTube and shared via Twitter, facebook and where ever you can find the link. Which is on PCs, laptops, most mobiles and many tablets. Just look out for the hashtag #hangoutsonair

What I find puzzling is the UK Media. Britain is one of the most developed countries in the world. Yet for some reason, Google Plus (and the +1) button are irrelevant.

Here's an example from the BBC where 24 hours on and news that everyone will have the ability to broadcast LIVE (for free) has been unreported.

Even The Guardian have passed it by. have a look yourself .. and yes a Google News Search is far the best way.

Want to know more.. Come and find me at Google Plus as +Mike Downes and on YouTube: themikedownespage

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