St Peters Celtic Football Club had their end of season presentation evening on Sunday 20th June, pictured are the Under 10s team with their trophies.
Back row, left to right: Lewis, Isaac (with Most Improved Player Award) and Josh. Front row: Benedict, Ady (with Managers Player Award), Ollie (with Players Player Award) and Luke.
St Peters Celtic are still looking for players for next season when they move up to 11 a side. Three of the players pictured live and go to school in Kenilworth. Other teams for this age group from Kenilworth are Kenilworth Town and Kenilworth Wardens. So, if you are currently Year 5 at school, please come along to the free training sessions at:
St Peters Celtic Football Club
Kenilworth Road
Leamington Spa
(next to Leamington Rugby Club)
CV32 6QT
It's every Thursday 6:00 – 7:30pm
Further Info call : Adrian 07885 764599 or