Update 2 Aug 2017 - I've added a page called All Posts are a Discussion which I talk about how posts are written on this website.
About me Update as 17 July 2017 - always hard to write. My tag line online reads, 夢 helping people cope with and access the modern world, to dream aspire. That means to think about the world around us while making posts, videos, lessons, slides etc to 'help people' learn about it and therefore use it better.
I now have over 700 public videos at youtube, over a 1,000 posts at my blog (this one you are reading). And I have new projects all the time, like #Howtomakephotos - that has a new website in the making howtomakephotos.com - zilch there are the mo though ..
These notes were made on 17 September 2016 and include many edits.
I seek to refine what I do and why I do it. With the latest idea, to drop 'media' from any label and replacing with 'produce' which fits beautifully between teach and educate, as below ..
edit 10 Dec 16 .. i teach produce educate using words and pictures film . nos discere nos - we live we learn
edit 20 Oct 16, added twitter bio text to reflect current thinking and projects:
'teacher / researcher / media producer . education / public safety / community support / #PolTAwards #PolicingTalk'
edit 11 Oct16, added old school comp slip as image on left, for a clickable pdf version, visit: mike downes comp slip clickable.
I'm Mike Downes a former school teacher, now found online.
In the last few years, I've blogged at whatsinkenilworth.com (since April 2010) and you will find me on these places:
- plus.google.com/+mikedownes since July 2011 with 44 million views
- twitter.com/mikedownesz since Dec 2010
- youtube.com/mikedownes since Oct 2010, over 534 public uploads, mostly educational How To ..
- mikedownesmedia.com for My Camera in the Field
- photos at picasa web albums archive
- Google Local Guides Collection (March 15 to Sept 16, 155 posts) here you can find My Google Maps Contributions - Level 5 Local Guide, 15 million views from 1,365 photos
My main public email is mikedownesmedia@gmail.com. As I work at mike downes media, I have many job titles: writer, photographer, videographer or a real world teacher.

I added more notes at my google+ about page, which reads.. '15 may 16 note, currently working on Simple Black and White Photography (see a sample at: 500px.com/mikedownes ).. I was trained in black and white photography, back in the days of film, chemicals and a darkroom .. the best (and only) tools we had - a camera with a fixed 50mm lens, our legs, our eyes and a thinking creative brain. Fast forward to 2016 and most of what we see is not a photograph at all - just absolute laziness. By starting a new discussion, maybe, just maybe a few people with realise they do in fact have legs and a brain and will happily wander about with a camera as if for the very first time ..
note: For those many people who continually ask, Why are you verified at youtube with so few subscribers? -- here is my answer
''I get this question alot -- I was at google+ at the start back in 2011 and that's where I got my verified tick. I am a trusted tester for google pre prerelease software (like hangouts). As it's One Google, I think that's why my tick is seen at youtube as well as across most of the 100+ Google Products and Services ...
the Laptop show is a gift to all the children I have ever taught, now all grown up .. you can read the post here at my new University of Warwick Blog:
http://blogs.warwick.ac.uk/mikedownes/entry/the_laptop_show ..It's new new for 2016 - where anyone can learn something fast .. simple timeless fun ..
real world teacher . passionately curious . make videos to help people learn . complex to simple fast . website . . . youtube.com/mikedownes . . . @mikedownesz
gaming.youtube.com/mikedownes/live .. youtube.com/mikedownes/live
Since moving from the classroom to online, I have supported UK and Toronto Police with Social Media. This has been a passion as I believe in Public Safety, see my blog search label Police.
--list of online resources where i am listed but never, like never use ..
facebook.com/mikedownesmedia no idea why i am here -- never use it ..
instagram.com/mikedownesmedia/ i docheck this feed every day, more to read from than write to
linkedin/com/in/downesmike again no idea why i am here at all, never use it ..
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