Saturday 2 June 2012

LIVE from the NEWS™ in five Hangouts On Air: Real Time Story Telling just got a whole lot easier

The Latest on Syria at Topsy
It should be everyone's aim in the media to broadcast high quality text, photos and videos to the world. And if it's not, then is should be your aim to take an interest in those who do.

By high quality, I would define that as having believable, thorough and relevant content. It should be everyone's aim to act in real time as we have the tools to make that possible.

As a start, I've made five short Hangouts On Air: 
Queen's Diamond Jubilee
  1. Queen's Diamond Jubilee
  2. What''s hot on Google+
  3. Ripples, URLs and Images
  4. What's the latest on Zimmerman?
  5. What do we know about Syria?
Each one explores my learning process. As I commented to David Amerland

These are some tests before we launch into real time news gathering. The quality of the screen share is patchy, which leads to the temptation to screen capture/record .. edit .. think .. redit .. upload .. render and we would have lost another hour or two ..

I used a browser with a few loaded tabs, a google presentation doc published to the web (so it is also in a tab) .. from there, we were LIVE at g+ and YouTube .. as soon as it was over, edit in youtube to add a description and tags .. that's it .. 

The Way News Works by David Amerland

In the social media era news travels fast and the way it is presented and indexed can lead to a changing perception about what is reported and its validity. +Mike Downes has been keeping a close eye on the way Google News works and the way news develops online in general. This is an important point for many reasons, some implicit (i.e. just how Google News judges newsworthiness) and some explicit (like how we actually keep abreast of the news). Well worth your time and definitely worth thinking about. 

1, Queen's Diamond Jubilee

Mike Downes presents a look at the three words "Queen's Diamond Jubilee" in Search, News, Images, Videos, Discussions, Apps and Blogs for LIVE from the NEWS™ #livefromthenews   #newsquality   #lftn001  

Note for next time: Resize browser smaller will will show larger text in HOA .. have tabs ready .. time at 7:36 is too long ..

2, What''s hot on Google+

If you search YouTube for Hangouts On Air #hangoutsonair you will find just 5 for What's Hot on Google+ .. 

Mike Downes presents a roundup of What's hot on Google+ looking at soft and hard shares with BBC News, Al Jazeera English and RT Russia Today all featuring .. #livefromthenews   #newsquality   #lftn002  

3, Ripples, URLs and Images 

Mike Downes presents a few techniques behind What's Hot including tracking down images, URLs and Ripples .. These techniques will be used in LIVE News gathering in Shows to Come #livefromthenews  #lftn003

4, What's the latest on Zimmerman?

Mike Downes presents a look at Google Search, News, and in a data scrape of this topic. Links:

5, What do we know about Syria?

Mike Downes shares his desktop with links to Syria from websites like:, Google News, Bambuser and the staple, Wikipedia .. .. Topsy Social Analytics: Data for syria .. ..

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