Friday 19 November 2010

Kenilworth School Newsletter 19 November 2010

Here is the Kenilworth School Newletter for 19th Nov - quite packed this week with many dates, competitions awards and information.  Remember, paper copies are only sent to those parents who have not provided the school with an email address. That's saving 10,000 sheets of A4 paper a week.

We held our Sixth Form Open Evening this week and I would like to thank everybody who contributed to making it such a success. It was inspiring to hear our students talk so confidently and sincerely about their experiences of study at Castle. I am always impressed by our students’ level of independence, maturity and confidence. It was also good to see so many prospective students at the event including many from outside of Kenilworth. Talking to some of our sixth formers, they invariably comment on the breadth of opportunities that they have at Castle and the good relationships that exist between staff and students. They also appreciate that, although the sixth form is an integral part of Kenilworth School, the sixth form site is separated from the main school building, and this enables the students to develop quickly a sense of responsibility and independence.

Our Year 11 students will be sitting their mock examinations next week and for
many of them, gaining feedback about their progress is an important insight
into the requirements for GCSE. Building on the success of the strategies that
we adopted last year, we will be adding new ones to help everyone to achieve
their best. They have almost all already sat their GCSE English and I hope that
they felt well prepared and that the recent exam was fair.

Thank you to all parents who returned the recent parent questionnaires. Once
these have been analysed, they will help to evaluate our progress and areas
for further development. Our next Parents’ Consultation meeting will be at
2.30 on 3 rd December. It is always useful to meet with parents to talk about
general matters of policy and practice in an open forum. If anybody is
interested in attending, please let my P.A. Mrs Linda Fayolle know.

I received an email to say that there have been a number of reports from
schools in the area regarding walk‐in thefts and the loss of valuable
equipment, particularly at the end of the school day. I have been asked to
draw to everyone’s attention the need to be particularly vigilant at vulnerable
times. Fortunately in Kenilworth, we have not had any this year, but as we are
a relatively open site, and our sports facilities are open to the public, it is
particularly important that people do not leave money, and valuable items
unattended. Can all parents ensure that students do not bring valuable items
to school, including ipods, mobile phones, and large amounts of cash to
prevent any losses.

Thank you for your continued support.
Yours sincerely
H.H.S Abbott Headteacher

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