Monday 24 October 2011

Kenilworth Town Council provides long term financial backing for the takeover of the Kenilworth Youth and Community Centre

At the Kenilworth Town Council meeting on Thursday 20 October there was unanimous support by Councillors for the Town Council to provide funding of between £30 - 40k per year for the next three years to The Kenilworth Centre, a new charity, which is in negotiation with Warwickshire County Council to take over the running of the centre, and provide youth activities in Kenilworth. 

Councillor Norman Vincett, leader of Kenilworth Town Council, said, 'We see youth activities, and the community centre, as key to our community and the Council felt that it was essential that we should provide this financial support to ensure that the transfer to a Kenilworth based charity happens.'

Councillor John Whitehouse, the Chair of Trustees of theKenilworthCentre charity, said, 'This three year funding from the Town Council, along with the other funding we have gained from local organisations, ensures that we can sustain a strong future for the centre, and continue youth activities, so building a solid basis for us to develop future community activities, and the use of the centre. We are very grateful to the Town Council for the strong support they are giving us.'

A sub group of the Town Council will now agree with the charity the specific arrangements for the management of the funding grant. The Kenilworth Centre charity will be submitting their business plan to Warwickshire County Council at the end of October, with the Council's Cabinet meeting on the 17 November taking the final decision on the transfer.

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