Thursday 30 June 2011

The Godiva Festival 2011 - Setup photos from the park

This was the scene today as the setup for Godiva 2011 continues. As @godivafestival welcome any photos (taken by anyone at all) to be added their their Flickr Group, I thought I would get the ball rolling. The Festival opens in just about 24 hours time. Perhaps, some video or the odd audio next...

The first 16 images are a 360 degree rotation, after that some closer shots including the accessibility viewing platform for the main stage.  

Wednesday 29 June 2011

Kenilworth Carnival starts at 1pm on Saturday 2 July 2011 The Definitive Guide

2011's Guide
This printed booklet is available from Kenilworth Library, The Baker's Dozen and Kenilworth Books, but for some unexplained reason nowhere on the web (until now). Find out about the Procession, Grand Draw Prizes and VIPs.

This is the 79th Kenilworth Carnival which starts at a new time of 1pm from Kenilworth Castle (Brays Car Park). This Procession Route for 2011 is: Brays Car Park, Castle Hill, high Street, Bridge Street, Waverley Road, St Johns Street, Randall Road, Kenilworth Clock, War4wick Road and Forrest Road.

Events at Abbey Fields start at 2pm The Crew, 2.20pm Shimmy Dancers, 2.40pm Tang Soo Do, 3pm Tommy Connelly Irish Dancers, 3.20pm The Crew, 4pm Kings Norton Marching Band and 4.30pm Carnival Grand Draw.

The Godiva Festival 2011 in War Memorial Park Coventry 1-3 July

The Coventry Godiva Festival 2011 starts on Friday 1 July (for three days). For those people who want to find out more, there is every imaginable Social Media tool available - a real example to the rest.

Before it all starts, we're supported by a photo album, twitter account @godivafestival and the official hashtag #covgodiva. Content can also be shared across any platform with the public invited to send in photos as the festival unfolds.

Sweet As in Smalley Place NOW OPEN

Now Open from 29 June 2011
Sweet As
3 Smalley Place, CV8 1QG
01926 863335
Mon - Sat 10-5pm
Twitter @SweetAsCakes

Sweet As Cakes 

Sweet As is a chocolate specialist that creates show-stopping chocolate cakes, delectable chocolate brownies and a host of other sumptuous goodies.

Monday 27 June 2011

When does a public WCC agenda document become news? Make up your own mind, bit of a read this one...

12 become 5?
A few weeks ago I posted The Rights And Responsibilities of Citizens (...yes I know you claim to have seen it, but cannot remember a word). Never mind, here's your chance to try it out. Have a look at the graphic on the left - ever seen it before? Nope, nor did I (and it was sitting right under our noses).

This is how news happens - or doesn't (in this case). A week ago today, we heard about WCC downsizing some buildings from 12 to 5, remember that? My guess, you probably do.This is how it panned out and got missed. My question - When should of it become News?

New Warwick Library?
As a timeline and in-line with WCC's policy of publishing a meeting agenda around five working days before a meeting, this post hit the WCC website (8 June 2011) WCC Cabinet 16 June 2011, 1.45pm Committee Room 2 With Item 9 Property Rationalisation as a downloadable document.

So, that's the first time you could have seen these plans (in a packed agenda of twelve items which also included Transforming the Youth Services). There are also a few artist impressions of what the relocated Warwick Library may look like.

So, forward eight few days to Thursday 16 June 2011 at 1.45 when I arrive at Shire Hall, attend the meeting and live tweet the Youth Service issue. I leave Shire Hall, and listen in to BBC Tim Boswell's interview with Councillor Heather Timms that evening.

Then, four days later WCC News release Cabinet approves savings on Council accommodation (Mon 20 June 2011) and very soon after BBC News Warwickshire Council to move staff and close buildings (20 June 4.16pm) with Coventry Telegraph Warwick Library to move into council HQ as part of £4m cuts (Tuesday 21 June 2011). 

What are the conclusions? On 8 June 2011 when the meeting agenda (and 34 page document) went live - how many people actually read it? I hold my hands up as it slipped past me. I was in the meeting room at Shire Hall and was even handed an A4, inch thick wedge of papers. I knew why I was there (Youth) and then promptly left.

It seems quite apparent that no other media organisation reported anything until WCC News on Monday 20 June 2011. Although I am no real fan of, a quick copy and paste and may indicate BBC News (and others) acted from the WCC News press release ( WCC savings on Property) - none of us need to be Sherlock Holmes to figure that out.

Finally, is there a moral to this story? I think so. Information is everywhere, so much so - we miss it. Cutbacks are everywhere including news organisations which miss information and do not really attend meetings any more (to find out more, just read Flat Earth News by Nick Davies). 

And as for me, I'm new to this, but learn very fast. If there is a WCC Meeting in the morning, and there is, shall I attend and report it live or sit back and wait the week until someone else does?

Q: When does this public WCC agenda document become news? Make up your own mind: 8, 16 (including the cabinet decision at the meeting) or 20 June 2011?

The Paddock in Castle Road - Could the Ponies be back?

It was nearly two years ago that saw passers by enjoying the ponies in The Paddock in Castle Road. But, since August 2009, the area has been empty. Biodiversity has flourished - but the ponies could be back after the hay cut in August.

Warwick DC confirmed today that negotiations are in an early stage that could see grazing return to this popular site at the far end of Abbey Fields. In the meantime, for those who missed it, are two newspaper clippings (background reading), two aerial maps, the paddock as it looks today and plenty of photos of the ponies that once were.

Kenilworth Community Forum - Action Points from 6 June 2011

The KENILWORTH COMMUNITY FORUM (6 June, 2011) Action points from the meeting have now been received - so here they are. Full text from the one page document reads:

The forum was attended by 51 people. Agenda item Discussion points and actions agreed Warwickshire Library and Information Service consultation –‘Facing the Challenge’. 1. Request made that the bus service and library reviews are joined up, to ensure the bus service operates at a time when the library is open.

School Closures in Kenilworth for Thursday 30 June 2011

Schools Open 30 June 2011: Park Hill and Priorsfield

Schools Closed: Clinton, St Augustine, St Nicholas, Burton Green, Thorns Infant and Kenilworth School

wik links: Primary Schools and Kenilworth School (WCCouncil School Closures)

Flat Earth News by Nick Davies

When someone says to you, 'Read Flat Earth News by Nick Davies.' Do it. If you don't have a copy, get one. Sure you don't need me to say how valuable the ideas are, but if you do, then think about how you want your truth served up. Update: Seems first year Politics students at University of Warwick have FEN as required reading - then again, why wouldn't they? 

Links about the book: YouTube when Nick Davies visited CU (not the best video, but he summarises key ideas quite well). Nick Davies at Wikipedia. Google Search: Flat Earth News by Nick Davies.

Warwickshire CC Shire Hall Public Meeting - Tuesday 28 June 2011

Warwickshire County Council
For those people who have time to attend a WCC public meeting, there is one tomorrow (Tues 28 June 2011 at 10.00 in the Council Chamber).

From my recent experience, it's unusual for members of the press or the public to attend unless something very newsworthy or controversial is on the agenda. Then again, as most of the documents are available online - is there any point in attending in person?

As you may have read (on twitter), wiK live tweeted the WCC Shire Hall meeting on 16 June 2011 (Youth Service issue). There was a packed room, but no one from the public or media attended (to my knowledge)...[update 28 June 2011: Lucy Thomson, Reporter from Coventry/Warwickshire Times was in attendance @lucytommo].

Consider this, Coventry City Council and Birmingham City Council broadcast a live video stream of their meetings. Warwickshire County Council have produced nothing so far. Stratford District Council have made a few broadcasts with the help of Stratford Upon Avon College. While Warwick District Council, also have nothing to show.

Saturday 25 June 2011

WSAF - Warwick Student Arts Festival 25th - 28th June 2011

WSAF 2011 Website
For word and note perfect entertainment, head on over to the University of Warwick (for the next three days).

All events (which are free) are held at Warwick Arts Centre, Piazza, Atrium, Tocil Field and the Science Concourse (here's a map of those places).

WSAF have a website and a twitter account @WSAF_2011 (with hashtag #wsaf11), wiK have uploaded a dozen mobile videos at the wiKenilworth YouTube Channel.

See you there tomorrow... Events are: Sun 10am - 3pm, Mon 10am - 10pm and Tues 10am - 10pm.

Global Care in Warwick Road

Global Care - for vulnerable children
44 The Square CV8 1EB
01926 589555
Mon - Fri 9 to 5pm
Every Business has it's own page - so if you know something about this one email wiK

Thursday 23 June 2011

WCC School Closures for Thursday 30 June 2011

WCC Schools Closed
Next Thursday, 30 June 2011, some schools will be closed. WCC are compiling a list (21 so far). Teachers are protesting about pensions.

For background news stories and the latest see Teacher Strike 2011. Recent headlines: Teachers confirm 30 June as strike day (BBC News) and Teachers' vote to strike over pensions reform draws government criticism

A Walk around Charterhouse Fields - What's it all about?

Why not visit Charterhouse Fields
Charterhouse Fields has been in the news for what seems like forever. But for me, living over the border it was no more than two words in a headline.

UPDATE 5 July 2011: Latest News Stories
Coventry's Blue Coat School urges parents to fight village green status (5 July 2011)

Coventry City Council hands over dispute Charterhouse Fields Blue Coat School (30 June 2011)

Public Land - Staying Public Land is what the sign reads from the Charterhouse Fields Campaign. They first posted on 2 May 2011 (52 days ago) following clashes with the neighbouring Blue Coat Church of England School. Since, then there have been many articles, for the latest news see News: Charterhouse Fields.

To find out what Charterhouse Fields looks, see these 59 images. I didn't realise the area was steeped in so much history. If you haven't visited the area before - get on down and see for yourself (Area Map).

Wednesday 22 June 2011

School Lane Road Resurfacing - So much for the Tow Away Zone...

School Lane Resurfacing
I reported a a few weeks ago how WCC had put out the signs 24 Hour Tow Away Zone in Abbey Hill. I guess the same happened here in School Lane.

Question: What do you do if a car is still parked on the day of resurfacing? A Tow it Away B Tarmac Around it or C Tarmac Over it. WCC Roadworks, is that your final answer? (Will tweet them now).

UPDATE from twitter: @WiKenilworth The answer is B. We do encourage cars to move from areas about to be tarmaced but will work around them.  @WiKenilworth We'll come back to School lane at later date. We stress that it is very helpful if people move their cars before tarmaccing.

Latest tracks by wiKenilworth

Recycling On The Go in Kenilworth and Warwick District - it's those big black bins

WDC Recycling On The Go
New to Kenilworth and Warwick District are some big black bins which are all about Recycling On The Go. There are seven units in Kenilworth at: Abbey End, Talisman Square, Abbey Hill/Abbey Fields, Albion Street Shopping Precinct, Leyes Lane, Whitmoor Road and Oaks Road Precinct. Warwick District has 27 Units.

WDC explain, The new recycling units will have 5 sections; 2 for general litter and 3 for recycling and will be placed across Leamington, Kenilworth and Warwick in areas of high foot fall, including many school routes

Temporary Traffic Lights Warwick Road Sainsburys - Expect short delay

Central Networks E-on have a hole in the ground at Warwick Road Sainsburys. There's already a four way traffic light system in place, but they've replaced that with a temporary one.

If you travel southbound from the clock tower expect around three minutes delay. The Green Light is timed at 40s with Red Light at 1m 10s. My guess, stuck in traffic at a standstill would seem alot longer than the three mins.

Tuesday 21 June 2011

Abbey Fields Outdoor Swimming Pool is Open Weekends, Holidays and when the Sun Shines

Abbey Fields Outdoor Pool
There should be a badge to say, I survived the swim in Abbey Fields Outdoor Pool. If you don't know what I'm talking about - you obviously haven't tried it.

Even on a hot day, it's like having your head on fire. All you have to do is step into the chilling waters, swim up and down for a while, then dive under the water, it feels like your head is...well on fire. Try it and see. 

The Outdoor Pool is open weekends, school holidays and when the sun shines. WDC Website has detailed times and prices. NOTE: from my own experience, if the weather is warm and sunny, an extra member of staff open the outdoor pool. Abbey Fields do not publish full weekday outdoor pool times as any rain equals pool closure (there are valid reasons for that i.e. lightening striking water).

Boots Opticians in Talisman Square

Boot Opticians
(incorporating Dollond and Aitchison)
20 Talisman Square CV8 1JB
01926 856025
Boots Local Website
Opening Hours?
Dollond and Aitchison wiK Post

BBC Coventry and Warwickshire now list What's In Kenilworth at BBC News

BBC News Online Screenshot
I am delighted to announce that is now listed at BBC News Coventry and Warwickshire. The screenshot shows how the BBC list Other news providers as ITV Central and What's In Kenilworth.

This shows the BBC are committed to include external links to Local Papers, Other Radio stations and Hyperlocals. I believe this is the first time a hyperlocal citizen journalist has been included on these pages at BBC News Coventry and Warwickshire.

Please do not let wiK be the only one. Come on bloggers in Coventry and Warwickshire.

Monday 20 June 2011

Windy Arbour News in Moseley Road OPENS FOR BUSINESS TODAY

Windy Arbour News was back to normal this morning after a vehicle crashed into the shop a few weeks ago. Today was the first morning that the shop opened for business in the normal way. There are two new display areas and the smell of freshly painted door frames welcomes customers. Background post at wiK: Windy Arbour News in Moseley Road  

The Warwickshire Police Twitter Project has now ended - Many Thanks for all those who took part

After a dozen lengthy posts, many emails and a few face to face meetings, the Warwickshire Police Twitter Project #WPTP has now ended (as of today). I would like to thank all those kind readers and those brilliant people (who I cannot name) who have tried their best to encourage Warwickshire Police to use Twitter. This is not a post to analyse the project's success or failures, rather just a statement to say, I will not be posting about Warwickshire Police and Twitter again.

RSD Tool Hire in Priory Road (NOW CLOSED)

UPDATE: as 20 June 2011, MOVED to:
14 Nod Rise (off Broad Lane)
Coventry CV5 7HT
02476 464546

RSD Tool Hire Ltd‎
2 Priory Road
01926 853861

Independent Family Run Pharmacy Opening Soon in Leyes Lane

The former Lighting Inspirations premises in Leyes Lane will soon open as an independent family run Pharmacy. No dates have been given (from the sign on the door).
Every Business has it's own page - so if you know something about this one email wiK

Vacant Shop Unit in Oaks Precinct, Caesar Road

The former Fancy Lingerie Shop in Oaks Precinct, Caesar Road is now vacant. Fancy Lingerie are still trading online by appointment only on 02476 465977 and 07837 745830 or

Sign in the window reads: TO LET Tel: 07837 745830

Planning Permission application at 100 Warwick Road -staircase and walkway

The former premises of Mark Jarvis in Warwick Road are listed as:
Installation of external staircase and walkway at rear with access doorway at first floor level (WDC Public Consultation expiry date 6 July 2011). No public comments (for or against) this application have been received (so far).

Introducing Media Consultancy

Infotelligentia is a Media Consultancy created by Mike Downes.

It takes it's name from for fours words: Information, Intelligence, Data and Design.

As you know, I created this site (and many others). Part of the way Infotelligentia works is to use whatever new media products are suitable for a task.

WDC Summary of Planning Decisions taken on 14 June 2011

Here are the Summary of Planning Committee Decisions taken on 14 June 2011 at WDC Council Chamber. Planning Applications:

*5. W10/1250 – NORTH LEAMINGTON SCHOOL, PARK ROAD, ROYAL LEAMINGTON SPA Revised proposals approved in line with the recommendation (changes to the tenure of the affordable housing be agreed and that the changes be incorporated into the Section 106 Agreement, already agreed by Planning Committee).

Crackley Hall School planning permission Refused - is there a faster way to know?

The Coventry Times 15 June 2011
One of the reasons I have run wiK, is to present information as fast as I can. In this example, we have a print article from The Coventry Times: Fury at School's plans to extend (15 June 2011).

The application was the, Erection of hall and music centre (after demolition of chapel and caretakers bungalow) and two storey extension to west end of school building (after demolition of part).

The WDC Planning Committee met on 14 June and made this decision: W11/0350 – CRACKLEY HALL SCHOOL, COVENTRY ROAD, KENILWORTH - REFUSED contrary to officers’ recommendations because the south western side of the development was contrary to DP2 and DP8 (having an unacceptable impact on a neighbouring property due to serious loss of daylight, the location of the bin store being inappropriate and not neighbourly, and the loss of car parking spaces being detrimental to local amenity by exacerbating existing parking problems in the area).

Note: WDC published a webpage with planning decisions on or around the 16 June 2011. I was unable to attend the meeting and received no emails or tweets, so I am sure this is a faster way to report news like this in real time. And finally, I am a big fan of Lucy Thomson from The Coventry Times newspaper - find her on Twitter as @lucytommo.

Friday 17 June 2011

FOUND Two Castles T Shirt and Medal - is it yours?

This was spotted in a Kenilworth Newsagents window in Warwick Road. So, far medal unclaimed, please get in touch if it may be yours. 

Phone number withheld at finders request.

Two Castles Run 2011 Photos of the Runners from Castle Road, Kenilworth

It was a wet Sunday morning this year when over 3,500 people made the annual run from Warwick Castle to Kenilworth Castle.

Here are 1,074 photos of most of the runners. The first album below has 550 images and the second 527. For official race information and results, see

Tuesday 14 June 2011

Teenager Missing in Warwick - NOW FOUND SAFE and WELL

Missing for 5 days
UPDATE: Missing teenager located safe and well

A teenager who was reported missing in the Warwick area on June 9 has been located safe and well. Police were concerned for the safety of the 14 year old and issued a public appeal to help to locate her. She was found on Sunday June 19._______________________________________
Concern for missing teenager in Warwick
Incident 124, June 9  Police are concerned for the welfare of a Warwick teenager who was reported missing on 9 June 2011 and are appealing for help from members of the public to trace her.

Lauren Smith (age 14), from Costard Avenue, was last seen at 9am on Wednesday June 9 near to Campion School, Leamington.

She is described as being a white female, 5'6" tall with green eyes and shoulder length dark brown hair some parts of which are dyed red.

Police believe that she may be in the Warwick area and are appealing for anyone who knows her whereabouts to contact them on 01926 415000

Warwick District Council Meetings Today - here's how to find them and attend

Leamington Town Hall
Let's start with the WDC Calendar of Meetings, this page sets out the month and gives links to what's going on. Today, Tuesday 14 June 2011, there are two meetings.

Regulatory Committee at 2.30pm and Planning Committee at 6.00pm. Unless otherwise stated, all meetings are public held at Leamington Town Hall. There is a large balcony overlooking the Council Chamber.

Kenilworth Town Council Plans
What's happening today? Each meeting has a published agenda. The Regulatory Committee (2.30pm) has seven items, with the last being an Application for a Sex Establishment Licence - there is a further document explaining how Shades in Leamington have been operating for three years and wish to continue (document explains the conditions).

Planning Committee (6.00pm) has seventeen items today, there are 13 items which decisions may be made. These range from North Leamington School (Demolition of existing school buildings, and the construction of 53 new houses and 5 apartments with access road infrastructure and 'open space' facilities), six other Leamington applications, two in Warwick and three in Kenilworth.

The former Kenilworth Weekly News office in Warwick Road has an application to: Extend existing ground floor with new external stairs up to first floor accommodation, with change of use classification to open A1, A2 & A3 use (this means retail food use).

Last on the list is Kenilworth Police Station with: Change of Use from Police Station to multi function building, including accomodation for the following: - Ground floor for temporary use by Kenilworth Senior Citizens Club and first floor for Kenilworth Town Council Chamber and offices and MP Offices.

Monday 13 June 2011

HS2 Roadshow is now OPEN in Abbey Fields, Kenilworth 8-8pm 13 & 14 June 2011

The HS2 Roadshow Exhibition opened this morning in Abbey Fields, Kenilworth. I have been allowed these photographs.

If you are not sure what's in store, see the images and then attend any time over the next two days to find out as much as you can. From my own experience, the staff and engineers on hand will tell you the facts, show you the plans and be as helpful as they can.

For those people from Burton Green, there is a large artists impression of how the village will look with the line in place (see images below).

Sunday 12 June 2011

Saturday 11 June 2011

HS2 Roadshow marquee comes to Abbey Fields - here's the first look

At 6pm today (Sat 11 June 2011), a 20 x 12 metre marquee was standing ready for the HS2 Roadshow information stands to arrive. As expected, the marquee is located close to the St Nicolas Church/Tennis end of Abbey Fields.

The exhibition will open to the public on Mon 13 and Tues 14 June from 8am -8pm.

Friday 10 June 2011

BBC Tim Boswell to Andy Norman Kenilworth Youth Centre

The BBC ran this headline: Warwickshire plans to keep five youth centres out of 18. Hear what Andy Norman, from The Kenilworth Youth Centre had to say to BBC's Tim Boswell today (as Kenilworth is not one of the five).

NOTE: The audio was also uploaded to AudioBoo, but I've made this Audio Slide Video as it tells more of a story.

Thursday 9 June 2011

BBC HS2 Live Debate Radio Trailer Now Available - Sun 12 June 6pm

HS2 Route Kenilworth
For those people without tickets, you can still listen to BBC Coventry and Warwickshire to hear the live HS2 debate direct from The Kenilworth Centre. Also on Twitter.


Wednesday 8 June 2011

The Rights and Responsibilities of Citizens - Do they mean us?

I'm telling you right off the bat - I'm no trained journalist. If you are, then look away now - then again, look back, as the updated version of The Elements of Journalism: What Newspeople Should Know and the Public Should Understand has an extra Chapter called, The Rights and Responsibilities of Citizens. 

edit: 14 Sep 2014 as there's a new version of the book available dated April, 2014, (see amazon).

April 2014 with red banner
This post's all about how People are now empowered to become players in the news game like never before. This means, they have the opportunity to form new relationships with journalists and be a part of the news process. For example in years gone by, a print newspaper was available to read. That reader had no part in shaping what was on that page. Now you do - this is where the responsibility of the Citizen starts to take shape.

So, what does this mean to the people of Kenilworth and Warwickshire? It's all about what we expect from our news organisations and what we should do if we believe we aren't getting it. In the beginning, so I'm told, there was a journalist's bill of responsibilities (The Elements of Journalism) - now there's a citizen's bill of rights.

It works like this. Receive some news from print, web, radio or TV. Compare it against some ideas and values: whether it was truthful, loyal to the people, independent and monitors power correctly. One up to date method is to see if the news provider can interact with people in may public channels (phone, letters, email, social media like twitter, comments on a website or live discussions). It's amazing to think some news people do not attend public meetings any more. The people should now expect to add content themselves, turn up to events and be part of that discussion.

And lastly, comes proportionality and engagement which can be explained as news people reporting the significant parts of a story, in the proportion that matters most in the people's lives. Quite a tall order to get right.  

Further Reading: For an example of how the public contributed on 7 July 2005, see Citizen Journalism and the BBC by Richard Sambrook, ‘…when major events occur, the public can offer us as much new information as we are able to broadcast to them. From now on, news coverage is a partnership.’

The Elements of Journalism
  • Journalism's first obligation is to the truth.
  • Its first loyalty is to citizens.
  • Its essence is a discipline of verification.
  • Its practitioners must maintain an independence from those they cover.
  • It must serve as an independent monitor of power.
  • It must provide a forum for public criticism and compromise.
  • It must strive to make the significant interesting and relevant.
  • It must keep the news comprehensive and proportional.
  • Its practitioners must be allowed to exercise their personal conscience.
Footnote: As usual, I welcome any comments, especially on this post. The area of effective news gathering fascinates me. So, which ever side of the news desk you're from, get in touch. Be as much a part of this post as I am.

Abbey Hill, Kenilworth Surface Dressing - 24 Hour Tow Away Zone

Abbey Hill this morning
According to the sign this morning, there would be Surface Dressing in the Road due to start 8 June, No Parking between 8-5pm

WCC Roadworks left another sign, warning motorists it was a 24 Hour Tow Away Zone. Serious messages for such a hectic 250m stretch of road - I was there for a few minutes and all I saw was one lady walker wearing a sun visor, no cars and one yellow cone that had fallen over.

YES v HS2 v STOP - three websites, three views, one decision

If you're still sitting on the fence over the HS2 debate and it's getting a tad uncomfortable, have a look at these three sites.

And before anyone asks, they'e in random order, with no preference.

Monday 6 June 2011

HS2 Mobile Roadshow at Cubbington - what to expect for Kenilworth

This was the scene (this morning) at the Cubbington Sports and Social Club, Windmill Hill. The HS2 Mobile Roadshow consisted of three areas which made up the smaller version of the roadshow. There are many leaflets to take away including a CD which includes 60 documents/maps (392mb of data - helpful for all of us).

This time next week, Kenilworth will host the full size HS2 Exhibition in Abbey Fields (Bridge Street) in a marquee (Mon 13 and Tues 14 June). 

Having chatted to the HS2 staff at the roadshow, I understand the grass area next to the tennis courts in Abbey Fields is the expected location. 

It will be interesting to see where the STOP HS2 gazebo will be. This morning in Cubbington, STOP HS2 campaigners were handing out leaflets as vehicles arrived, with the gazebo located quite far away (and hidden) in the next door primary school grounds - they were not allowed any closer (apparently).

Sunday 5 June 2011

Kenilworth Footpaths - Part Two

There's no mistaking Kenilworth Castle, but how about the other areas along the path? Here's Part Two this weekend from two of our readers. Simple, effective and timeless.

Good work and keep them coming in. Many Thanks.

Saturday 4 June 2011

Footpaths around Kenilworth - Part One

Many thanks go to two readers who kindly sent in some photos from a walk this morning. I've asked for the next set (in the series) to be sent as soon as they are ready. It's hard to tell if these images were taken this morning or many years ago. For now, the photographers do not want their names in print - but thanks all the same.

Ten Tweeting Councillors #WCTP - here they are...

A few weeks ago, I started the Warwickshire Councillors Twitter Project #WCTP - here's what we have so far.  There are Ten on the list at Twitter: Warwickshire Councillors. I know there can be many more - my guess about a 100 will do it.

In the meantime, well done to John Dagg and John Whitehouse for signing up - both these Councillors have replied to my tweets. Far better than a few on the list. My advice, if you're on twitter, it's a conversation.

It's Your Kenilworth Town website - what are you going to do with it?

Official Town Website
After the May 2011 elections and appointment of a new Kenilworth Town Council, I have been asked for my views on how the can be make better. 

I have a list of ideas as long as my arm, but I am one person, where you are many. So, over to you - what do you think? For the record, the site's had a few updates in the last few weeks - you will need a magnifying glass to spot them... Have an idea, leave a comment below.

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Kenilworth Weekly News - News Feed (Johnston Press)