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margaret glaspy, emotions and math out now |
if i could sing or play the guitar, i'd definitely go into the margaret glaspy business -- but i can't so, i'm stuck with writing, taking photos and making videos.
that all said, whatever we do, albeit creative or otherwise, have fun with it and feel the freedom.
if the freedom disappears, then do something or try something else -- that's what i'm doing right here -- knowing i feel a tad unhappy, online claustrophobic even, that's to say, i have a clear idea in my head what i want to happen and i have to chose some tools and shove it all online to get it where i want it to be..
many of those tools are in place like a few blogs, youtube channels and places to store stuff -- the rest comes with your inner vision to be yourself, have that fun and feel the freedom ..
i'm not saying this post or any minor epiphany i have is the answer -- but hey, look around us and smell the trees - we're not in 2010, not in the summer of 2012 and certainly not in 2015.all those dates, or any old dates are a time when we had different online stuff, the tech savvy will look at building for five years ahead - 2021 .. even typed out that year looks ridiculous ..
long story short -- i started out 1 April 2010 on this very blog, 2,336 days ago .. i started out at youtube clumsily throwing up videos from 8 oct 10 .. and threw out over 25,000 google+ posts in the last five years..
as of now 13 august 2016, times have changed and a new approach is needed - i've deleted the fourteen posts at mikedownesmedia.com and that's where i'm heading now -- to look at being free .. to write freely that is about the videos i've made and the huge backlog i have planned to get out in the open the stuff i'm curious about..
i made a slide the other day, it read, 'note to self -- my videos are a Learn by teaching with examples .. not a quick fix entertainment to fill a bored moment .. '
that said, my little education uploads on audio, photo or video tips do not, and cannot make up for the awful things that go in the the world right now - many things we see on a daily basis both locally and globally are just beyond words .. these problems are so huge that it's incomprehensible how we fix them..
that's why also on my list, as is on everyone's i hope - how we get together and solve every little piece as fast as we can. much has been written and said about how the news is told and how 'bad news sells' that's why i say i'm an advocate of solutions journalism, that's why i've support the uk police in social and that's why i think about and read this news stuff every day like us all -- yet have head in hands what my bit in it is -- and how i do 'my bit' to help ..
enough said, let me leave you with two versions of A love like this from the hugely talented Margaret Glaspy .. Margaret recorded her debut album three times 9see video 3 on playlist below), each gadding stuff, making the sound stronger, bigger and better -- a bit like, if not a lot like me writing, photographing and making videos -- the stuff that sits in the middle between me and you .. that's what the media is in mike downes media - a thin layer by which you get what's in my head sent over to yours ..
and in this august 2016 - i have never felt so alone online - gone are the video hangouts with ten people to have a laugh with - gone are the google+ comments that i used to get far too many to reply and make me smile, gone is our naivety online i guess.. where being gamely and savvy come second nature to use all .. i would of thought having a realtime web would feel ecstatic, where having a desktop, a tablet, mobile and a watch to all work i harmony would make me feel so special and aligned -- but no, it makes me want to turn the lot off and go outside to take my camera in the field - and maybe relive what i had before the web was invented .. / i hope you think of this stuff too.. leave a comment if you like ..
footnote: i love, like love finding new musical artists, margaret glaspy is the latest find, others have been jessica dobson (and deep sea diver) -- who then often mention their influences and great finds.. then you get pointed to folk like nick cave or nirvana. bully, aurora, birdy, always and even wolf alice (when they were not so mainstream) ... yes it's the music - but i value above all the creative process .. it's very hard to see between the lines, occasionally you will get brilliant snippets like how alanis morissette will often put something extra into a song, just to stop her getting bored when she sings it (paraphrase, will get exact link and wording and post here) ..
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