Saturday 19 March 2011

The Warwickshire Libraries Consultation - What are the Questions?

Following on from the post of 17 March where I outlined the consultation document, here are the questions that are contained in the questionnaire. You can judge for yourselves if they are trivial, meaningful or essential. If you have ever filled in something like this, you will notice some open, closed or multiple choice questions. I understand this questionnaire to have been written in conjunction with the Consultation Institute.

To complete the form yourself, go to a library, view and print or complete the online version (this is the Warwickshire Library page with a link to Survey Monkey).

The Questions
1. What is the main way you are involved with Warwickshire libraries?
2. Which libraries (or mobile) do you currently use?
3. Please tell us your postcode:
4. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? (changes, access and sharing)
5. Which of the following statements best describe the impact you feel the proposed changes to the library service will have on you / your organisation?
6. If you feel that the proposed changes to the library service will have some or a significant impact on you / your organisation, please provide details below:
7. Please select if you would be interested in getting involved in your local library service as an:
8. Would you be interested in having a library service occupy space in your premises?
9. Would you be interested in moving your business / service into an existing library building?
10. In what other way would you / your group / business be willing to be involved? (If your answer is in reference to a specific library, please state this)
11. Are you interested in volunteering to run / help to run an alternative library service or maintain current opening hours?
12. If Yes, how many hours per week might you be prepared to work? This would be subject to discussions about roles, rotas, holiday cover etc.
13. Would you be interested in supporting activities and events?
14. Would you be willing to volunteer to provide support on a mobile library?
15. If Yes, how many hours per week might you be prepared to work? This would be subject to discussions re: roles, rotas, holiday cover etc.
16. Would you be prepared to provide financial support for:
17. Please use this space, if you wish, to add any other comments:
18. Which category best describes your position within this consultation?
19. What is your gender?
20. Which age category are you in?

1 comment:

  1. That is the most biased and non-consultative consultation I have ever seen. I've just completed it - they are only consulting on if you want to volunteer or give them money.

    Warwickshire should be ashamed of themselves. The amount of doublespeak in the consultation is also astounding - "once in a lifetime opportunity"?

    Wow, how do these people live with themselves?


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