Tuesday 27 September 2011

Cross Posting from Google Plus g+

This post was originally shared on Google Plus g+.. It shows g+ comments and reference to a post on this site. It reads:

This blog post is hilarous. It's written on 16 May 2011 and titled: Social Media v Industrial Media v Web 2.0 - is there a difference? It's written by some berk called Mike Downes.

Although, now four months old - credit to the guy, for including two G Insights Tables - if nothing else have a looksey at those.

It seems the phrase Social Media is everywhere. Not so long ago, everyone was talking about Web 2.0 as the next big thing and as for Industrial Media - what's that all about? Let me tell it in my ...

Colin Hill's profile photo

Colin Hill  -  I expected something from 2001 for a moment there!
Sep 27, 2011   
Mike Downes's profile photo

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