Monday 12 September 2011

LIVE SHOW from Missouri 10-11pm and backstage debrief

Sarah Hill recording a promo
To watch a live news TV show and watch the live hangout at the same time is very unusual. What it is, is new and ground breaking. For example, what would it be like to hangout with Fiona Bruce or Huw Edwards from the BBC. My prediction is it will happen when the full force of new media like this is common place.

From my viewpoint (watching on a laptop), I had streaming live cast on one screen, live YouTube and a G+ browser open (for messages and alerts). It totally blew me away as a learning curve. To feel an intricate part of the show and feel so included in the show's production. And that was just as a viewer. I will be on air Wed 14 September.

Then the backstage in Sarah's office was sublime with coworker's, bosses and people dropping by. Have I just witnessed a real news room or a fictional drama set in a news room? News is the story and so are the real people who produce it. For example, the smiles on +Jen Reeves face to name but one.

To see what happened after the show in Sarah's office, set the video to 1 hr 28:41 or open Sarah's Office

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