Tuesday 12 July 2011

WCC Cabinet Meeting Shire Hall Thursday 14 July 2011 1.45pm - 351 pages of agenda and that's not even the Library Consultation Report

Here's the Agenda for the Cabinet Meeting on Thursday 14 July 2011. The list, a few in detail and summary at the bottom.

I can't pretend these are uplifting topics because they're not. And for those people who don't get normally involved, they may ask some questions in a year's time like, Where's my library, my Youth Centre and my local office?

The short Agenda: Changing times Libraries, High Speed Rail 2, Adult Social Care, Meeting the Needs of Young People Excluded, Schools Capital Programme, Future Relationships with Schools, Resourcing our Priorities, Transportation delivery in Warks, Kenilworth Railway Station Update...

NUCKLE Phase 1 - Nuneaton to Coventry Rail Line Upgrade, Surplus Property Protocol, Disposal of 101 Bottrill Street, Nuneaton, Disposal of Stockton School House, Hillcrest, Napton Road, Stockton, Rugby, Corporate Asset Management Plan, Awarding of up to Four Year Contracts for Social Care Placements, Waste Core Strategy, any urgent items and purple papers (non-public confidential).

Have a read of the full agenda, for example:
2. Changing Times - a new chapter for Warwickshire Library and Information reads like this, This report sets out the results of consultation on proposed changes to the Warwickshire Library and Information Service as part of its transformation agenda. Cabinet will be asked to agree recommendations in the light of feedback from the consultation.

12. Surplus Property Protocol Following the centralisation of the management of the property portfolio, revision has been made to the existing protocol which provides guidance on the process for disposing of property that becomes surplus to Council’s requirements.

This plan has been developed to set out the Council’s intentions for each of the approx 560 separate non-school assets which it owns or occupies.

Recommendation That Cabinet approves the Surplus Property Protocol set out in Appendix A (118 pages) of the report as the revised procedure for dealing with a property which becomes surplus to the Council’s requirements and is being considered for disposal and that all future reports to members be in accordance with the protocol.

In the next post, I will examine the Surplus Property Protocol as there are libraries, Youth Centres and all sorts of buildings listed. This refers to: When does a public WCC agenda document become news? Make up your own mind, bit of a read this one...

You will see (the full list in next post) WCC have colour coded them all: Within each asset category, the assets are highlighted in by colour according to their status:

Properties highlighted green are being retained

Properties highlighted yellow are where no decision yet made to retain or dispose

Properties highlighted red will be disposed of

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