Friday 11 February 2011

Kenilworth School Newsletter 11 February 2011

As many parents are already aware, we are changing the format of our reports based on a pilot with year 7 reports last summer term. Our new reports provide concise information on each subject with targets for improvement. For each subject, a pupil has an effort grade from 1 to 4 with 1 being the most positive down to 4. In addition to that, there are achievement and target grades. The achievement grade denotes the working grade or level and the target grade indicates a level that a pupil is expected to achieve by the end of the year. A target grade set by the teacher, is realistic, but includes a degree of challenge to which pupils should aspire. If a pupil’s report is issued early in the year and the achievement is below the target grade, but the effort is good or better, there is usually nothing be concerned about, because the lower achievement grade is a snap shot at a particular time and the pupil is likely to achieve the target grade at the end of the course with sustained effort.

It is important that students are involved in target setting in order to improve their progress in each subject. To this end, we are asking all students to set a target for improvement based on their teacher’s comments in the reports. Year 11 reports have been distributed this week and the accompanying target sheet will be a feature of all reports from now on. Year 11 students have had an assembly this week on study skills and revision techniques. I hope that they will use the remaining weeks prior to their examinations to prepare thoroughly for
their summer exams.

Good behaviour and hard work are the key to academic progress and in Kenilworth, we are fortunate that the majority of pupils behave well in lessons and around the school. However, even low level talking can sometimes constitute disruption and I would like all students to think about the importance of individual and collective responsibility. At Kenilworth, our teachers are strong and have well ordered classes. In addition, the vast majority of our pupils are very well behaved but we do have to develop a sense of collective responsibility to ensure that we have the best environment for learning and a school of which we can all be proud. Students should not feel powerless to influence others by good role modelling and peer pressure. We take notice of what pupils say and student voice is a high priority for us but at times, some students are very aware of vocalising their rights and less keen to develop their individual responsibility.

On Wednesday and Thursday pupils performed in our Dance Evening and it was excellent to see such a wide range of dance performances, including for the first time, a dance performance from a group of boys.
Thank you for your continued support.  Yours sincerely,  H.H.S. Abbott Headteacher

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