Monday 20 June 2011

Crackley Hall School planning permission Refused - is there a faster way to know?

The Coventry Times 15 June 2011
One of the reasons I have run wiK, is to present information as fast as I can. In this example, we have a print article from The Coventry Times: Fury at School's plans to extend (15 June 2011).

The application was the, Erection of hall and music centre (after demolition of chapel and caretakers bungalow) and two storey extension to west end of school building (after demolition of part).

The WDC Planning Committee met on 14 June and made this decision: W11/0350 – CRACKLEY HALL SCHOOL, COVENTRY ROAD, KENILWORTH - REFUSED contrary to officers’ recommendations because the south western side of the development was contrary to DP2 and DP8 (having an unacceptable impact on a neighbouring property due to serious loss of daylight, the location of the bin store being inappropriate and not neighbourly, and the loss of car parking spaces being detrimental to local amenity by exacerbating existing parking problems in the area).

Note: WDC published a webpage with planning decisions on or around the 16 June 2011. I was unable to attend the meeting and received no emails or tweets, so I am sure this is a faster way to report news like this in real time. And finally, I am a big fan of Lucy Thomson from The Coventry Times newspaper - find her on Twitter as @lucytommo.

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