Mike Downes - Aug 26, 2011 - Public
then the finished shot was...or was it? Being critical, I could do a
lot more, but as a purest at heart (I grew up with darkrooms, chemicals,
film and those red lights) I don't believe in too much post shot
More photos from Mike Downes

Aug 27, 2011

One think that intrigues me, is the whole tilt shift approach where, it seems picasa can do a I'm feeling lucky and a soft spot focus and results are quite dramatic. I have not found such good results making HDR photos that way though - can't win them all.
Aug 27, 2011

I do fake tiltshift using an app on my iPod Touch occasionally. It works best with some angles, shapes and lighting than others.
I do love your photo - lovely lighting and interesting subject.
Aug 27, 2011

Aug 27, 2011

Aug 27, 2011

Aug 27, 2011

Cameras are just another picture-making tool for me - but I'm rarely without some form of camera.
Don't threaten to go to Kenilworth Castle (one very familiar by name, though I've never visited it) - just go and take photos. Autumn can be a great time to photograph ancient monuments, with the sun at a lower angle within monument opening hours.
Aug 27, 2011

Aug 27, 2011

Aug 27, 2011

I realised that my first thoughts about what I'd want to see in a hyper-local website about my area reflect very much my professional interests - providing space for people to share their old photos and local history research (and advertising for local businesses), and news of work to improve local parks. I need to rethink because I know security is, of course, an issue. I also realise that one of my friends would first think of information for parents, carers, and asylum seekers because those are the groups with which she works.
Thank you for provoking much thought on communities and new media - from a discussion about a relatively old medium :-)
Aug 28, 2011

I listed every shop front in the town purely altruistically and it started from there. In Feb 2011, I was promoted to a press box in a Warwickshire Council meeting, met the BBC and the ball started rolling.
At that point, I had not even heard of the phrase hyperlocal or citizen journalist. But I did take some advice to say, DO NOT decide where you want to grow, just let it grow.
So, I did and asked some questions of the council and helped out where I could like with West Mids Police. Twitter only started for me in Dec 2010 and became a major part.
So, yes, when I looked at Warks population of 535k and Coventry at 300k, I expected more bloggers and there is a tiny handful (3 or 4?).
As for the name, I would not choose whatsinKenilworth again as it is now: Kenilworth, Warwick District, Warwickshire and then Coventry.
Journalism is in decline, online revenue is hard to achieve (hence Times paywall). I can publish in minutes compared to the local paper's max of 9 days (it's a weekly Friday print edition).
Aug 28, 2011

Aug 28, 2011

Aug 28, 2011
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